A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “For many business owners, the start of the new year is the perfect time for reflection, setting goals and planning. As the beginning of January can be a slow time for some businesses, I encourage you to take a minute to catch your breath after the busy holiday… Continue reading December Newsletter 2018
November Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone and it’s almost December, the fast-paced holiday season is in full force. For many companies, this is the time when sales are booming. The extra revenue can help prepare small to medium-sized businesses for a lull in January when sales often slows… Continue reading November Newsletter 2018
October Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “It’s hard to believe that it’s almost November already! With the end of October only days away, the holiday season will officially be upon us. One of the most important holidays for small businesses across America is Small Business Saturday. Each year, the holiday falls on the Saturday… Continue reading October Newsletter 2018
September Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “With October approaching, the temperature dropping, and the lazy days of summer behind us, now is the ideal time to get ready for the 4th quarter. By this time of year you should have a pretty clear picture of your business goals for the remainder of… Continue reading September Newsletter 2018
August Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “As August is winding down, many small businesses are finally catching their breath after a busy summer season. Whether your business has it’s peak time during the summer, the winter, or even the holiday season, it’s often challenging to manage the cash flow of a seasonal… Continue reading August Newsletter 2018
July Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “Often times small business owners that I speak with are under the impression that less than perfect credit is a detriment to being eligible for a Merchant Cash Advance. Remember, Fordham Capital can help get you funded despite having bad credit or being denied by the bank. Fordham… Continue reading July Newsletter 2018
June Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “It’s hard to believe that it is already the middle of June! With the spring almost over and the summer only days away, it’s a good time for business owners to review the last few months and prepare for the next quarter. For many businesses summer is… Continue reading June Newsletter 2018
May Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON This month has been an exciting one for Fordham Capital! I am honored to have been accepted into Forbes Business Council and am excited to get started. Check out the announcement in our What’s Happening section below. For this month’s topic, I wanted to address one… Continue reading May Newsletter 2018
Rob Winston, President and CEO of Fordham Capital LLC Accepted into Forbes Finance Council
Forbes New York Business Council Is an Invitation-Only Community for Small Business Owners in Greater New York City New York, April 16, 2018 — Rob Winston, President/CEO of Fordham Capital LLC has been accepted into the Forbes New York Business Council, the foremost growth and networking organization for small business owners in Greater New York City.… Continue reading Rob Winston, President and CEO of Fordham Capital LLC Accepted into Forbes Finance Council
April Newsletter 2018
A Message from Our CEO ROB WINSTON “As president and CEO of Fordham Capital LLC, I am excited to bring you the inaugural edition of our new monthly newsletter, Fordham Capital News. Each month we will give you a glimpse of what’s happening at Fordham Capital. This month in our “What’s Happening section”, we… Continue reading April Newsletter 2018